Are you seeking to enhance your efficiency and lead a more balanced life? Embark on the journey of embracing “7 Insanely Productive Habits- 7 Transformative practices for elevated productivity and enriched days.
Table of Contents
The Need For Productive Habits
15 people can build a house in 30 days. How can the same number of people build a house in 15 days?
The answer is simple- “By being more productive”.
In a world where time is limited and demands seem to multiply every day, productivity has become a top pursuit. And being productive is not just about completing tasks. It’s more about accomplishing meaningful goals while maintaining a healthy work-life balance. The good news is that you can cultivate and increase efficiency through some key productive habits.
You may be a student, a professional, an entrepreneur, or someone seeking to maximize their potential. These habits can serve as your compass on the journey towards a more efficient and fulfilling life. With the constant requirements of work, personal goals, and daily responsibilities, you have to make the most of your time. In this blog, we’ll explore 7 powerful productive habits that can help you boost your efficiency in no time.
7 Productive Habits to Supercharge Your Productivity
Picture a life where you tackle tasks with the least effort, meet deadlines with a sense of calm, and carve out meaningful time for yourself. Done? This blog is your passport to that world! Get ready for an exploration of 7 transformative productive habits that will revolutionize the way you approach your days. It’s time to rewrite the rules of productivity and craft a life that thrives without hindrances.
1. Say No to Random Reading!
“Usha has read 24 books till now. Mohit is about to beat her with his new addition. I have to go ahead no matter what.” What are you in? A reading competition? You don’t have to pick any book just because your friend told you or you read the name on a social media post. Instead, go for the most relevant and educational one. This will not only help you develop your skills but also immediately impact your current state of life or work. In this manner, you will implement the learning in a quicker way and do good to your work efficiency.
2. Take a Break!
“Break toh banta hai!” No, we are not asking you to have a chocolate or two. When we talk about productive habits, the habit of taking the right break counts among the most important ones. Now, why “right break”? It’s because you should schedule your breaks. Of course, you cannot just walk away from a high-priority ongoing work. So, plan your pause and soothe your body and mind. You can go for a 15-20 minute nap in the afternoon. It will be a boost to your energy. And more energy means more concentration and more productivity. {Now, you can have your chocolate!}
3. Sip Sip Sip!
Don’t get it wrong! We are not in the financial discussion now. What we are asking you is to just get a sip of water. Yes! Keep on sipping water. This will keep you hydrated and will also help you to avoid stressful eating and unnecessary caffeine. The things that impact your overall efficiency. Remember, don’t overload yourself with water. Just a sip works!
4. Your Daily dose of Endorphins
Akshay Kumar is one of the most dedicated workers in Bollywood. Due to his high productivity, he is able to deliver multiple movies in a year. In addition to being an effective professional, he is also super fit. Just as we mentioned above, we live in a competitive world. If you want to keep up in every area of life, tackle the stress that comes with it too. Have your daily dose of workout; your daily dose of endorphins. Also, it’s not mandatory to only go to the gym. Walk more often, climb stairs, indulge in outdoor sports; whatever suits you.
5. Refocus
According to a survey, a staggering 84.4% of people are distracted at work. One of their major setbacks is their lack of focus. Hence, one thing that is a must in your chest of superhuman productive habits is your ability to focus. Centralise your focus. You are already living in a world full of distractions. In addition to the distractions outside, you have internal disturbances too. And you may get trapped in those one day or the other. So, realign your mind and your focus with meditation.
6. “Right” Targets, Please!
Are you among the ones who consider deadlines as targets? If yes, then my friend you are on the wrong path. Deadlines may help you become focused. But, they also bring unnecessary stress. On the other hand, your targets help you recognise a clear ‘WHY’. Having a self-driven Goal is very important to become productive. It can be a sense of purpose, a monetary ambition or a change in lifestyle. Seeking a growth in your current position also counts. Remember, it has to be Self-driving. So, without a second thought, add this practice to your list of productive habits.
7. Ending your day
Did you miss the last episode of the latest series you started watching? Or did you leave the ultra-hyped new release midway? Should you end your day concluding these? “ABSOLUTELY NOT!” What you feel when you go to bed is extremely important. Sleep is going to revive you and heal you only if you go to bed feeling complete. Journaling is a great way to end your day. And putting a full stop to the chapter of the day. You can let your mind and body rest. And allow the next day to be a fresh start and not a carry forward.
Being productive isn’t an overnight transformation; it’s a journey that requires dedication and consistency. By adopting these seven habits, you’ll set yourself on a path to supercharge your productivity. Remember, productivity is a means to an end, and the ultimate goal is to achieve more meaningful outcomes. Leading a balanced and fulfilling life is also a must. Incorporate these 7 productive habits as soon as you can, and watch your efficiency soar to new heights.
About the Author
Mr. Driple Shah is an International Productivity and Mindset coach with a background in business communications and mentoring. He has trained over 35,000 individuals across India, Kenya, and Thailand, and mentored professionals and teams from over 1000 enterprises in various industries.
Mr. Shah is dedicated to helping individuals and organizations achieve their full potential through his training 10X Productivity Masterclass. He is also an author of e-books on mindset and communication skills, and invites you to connect with him on LinkedIn to stay up-to-date with his latest work.
Follow him on Quora to stay up-to-date with all the latest productivity tips and insights.